
Deluxe Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition

Created by Rich Thomas

Contribute to help give the Deluxe C20 Edition a leather bound, embossed+, silk bookmarked, gold-edged, full-color, deluxe treatment.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Talking About Dice-
over 8 years ago – Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 01:57:27 PM

Hello C20 backers!

RichT here:

I'm looking at the possibility of our Deluxe C20 dice as a Stretch Goal coming up really soon, we just need a couple more pieces of info from our friends at Q-Workshop, renowned cool dice manufacturers.

These would be ten sided dice, with special carved surfaces that tie into C20's graphics. Unfortunately, Q doesn't do transparent dice, so we are working on designs that still evoke that stained glass feel, but work as dice for the table.

The idea is that once we pass the dice Stretch Goal, we would offer these dice as Add-ons with a bit of a discount for backers. My question to you all is: how should the Add-ons be grouped?

This is, after all, the first time we've been able to offer dice with a KS (and we are very excited and want to get it right for all of you).

Single dice will be murderous for packing and the potential for damage is high, so we were thinking that a 10 die pack would be the most useful option, and then maybe five together, or three?

Give us your thoughts, and thanks!

New Reward Tiers and when they're going live!
over 8 years ago – Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 11:11:33 AM

Hi, Rose again! ^_^ We'll be adding two new Reward Tiers:

  •  A tier with an art print by Tony DiTerlizzi, featuring art from the original Changeling, re-scanned at higher resolution than used in the books back in the old days.
  • An additional tier allowing you to get your likeness in a piece of art in a future Changeling book.

These will go live at 4:00 EST Tuesday!

Two quick excerpts!
over 8 years ago – Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 10:56:04 AM

Hi, Rose here. ^_^ Matt stopped by our AMA on reddit yesterday with a few tidbits.

How have Selkies changed?

Sailors and dreams of lost loves and broken hearts and all of those who have lost a loved one to the sea gave birth to the selkie. The sea gives and the sea takes away. Anyone who has lived along the coast can attest to the wonders the sea gives to us: delicious seafood, beautiful shells, the delights of swimming and sailing. But the sea is fickle, and where one day it gives us pleasure, the next it drowns a loved one or sends terrible waves that destroy homes and property. Those who truly love the sea describe an inexorable pull that pulls them back just as surely as the undertow pulls under the unwary swimmer.

How does the Pooka frailty work?

Untruths: Perhaps the greatest con the pooka have pulled is making everyone believe that they never tell the truth. Under most circumstances a pooka can speak the truth as long as its mixed with lies, half-truths, and exaggerations. The trouble comes when a pooka is asked a direct question. A pooka who is asked a direct question must answer with a falsehood. If he wishes to answer truthfully he must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) and spend a point of Willpower.

Reddit AMA tomorrow (Sunday the 20th) at Noon EST
over 8 years ago – Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 06:02:37 PM

Hi, folks, Rose here. ^_^

We're hosting an Ask Me Anything on reddit tomorrow at noon EST on the /r/rpg subreddit at Our focus will be on Changeling 20, but we'll be welcoming questions about the World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness, Onyx Path original lines like Scion and Trinity, and more! We hope to be joined by a variety of OP developers and writers.

We hope you'll be able to come and join us!

Upcoming Stretch Goal Info-
over 8 years ago – Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 11:21:18 AM

Hello my Fellow Arcadians!

RichT here:

I want to talk a little bit about our good friend and renowned artist, Tony DiTerlizzi, and this Kickstarter, and then let you in on our next and very different Stretch Goal.

Right after the Wraith 20th KS was funded, I was reached out to Tony D to see how involved he could be with the Changeling 20th book and Kickstarter. I felt that Tony was one of the artists that gave CtD its heart and soul, and he always expressed a real love for the game line, so even though I knew that chances were slim he would actually have the time to be involved I figured I had to make a try for it.

Tony is a very successful artist and author of children's books these days, which is great because he always said that that was his ultimate dream, but that also meant that no matter how much he feels a real loyalty to Changeling, his schedule is just packed for years.

To still help out and be involved, Tony did mention that he had separate higher rez scans of the full page pieces besides the ones we at WW had done back in the day. When I wrote the write-up for this KS, I thought he had all of them already and at hand, but actually we'll need to do a bit of work to get them all "remastered".

Tony also offered us 15 signed prints of "Leigh", pictured above, to add in as a special added Reward Tier, pretty much because he just wants to be connected to all of our Changeling community and let everybody know how much he has enjoyed creating the art for CtD over the years.

So, that is how we arrived at the upcoming Stretch Goal, which is pretty much a Tony D one, with the goal designed to offer us some working capital to do the remastering work on the fulls, as well to give backers who love Tony's art a shot at the signed prints he was generous enough to provide for us.

Now after that Stretch Goal, we move into the next one, which features something we haven't done for any of our 20th Anniversary KSs. We've been approached by a new company that just had their successful KS earlier this year, and they want to create music and sound effects for Changeling 20th and make them available to backers of this KS.

SoundBoard mock-up, not final design
SoundBoard mock-up, not final design

They are called BattleBards,, and here is their description:

About BattleBards: Launching in January, is the most expansive tabletop audio library ever assembled, along with Tools built specifically to use the audio masterfully in-game. Tailor-made background music inspired by fantasy races, voiceover scripts written to bring life to everyday NPC interactions, and a colossal array of bone crushing, spell fire blasting sound effects... this is immersive tabletop gaming at its best.

Which I think could be a lot of fun for Changeling chronicles, either just to listen to, or using the full expanse of the sound mixing BattleBards is talking about for music and sound effects and even NPC dialogue.

So here is the Stretch Goal:

If we pass $140,000 in contributions, all backers will receive a custom C20 Soundboard with 12 Tracks to accompany the Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition book from BattleBards. These tracks will enhance and add nuances to the experience of playing a Changeling 20th chronicle. The Soundboard will provide easy access to the audio and the ability to organize and play tracks on-the-fly. Play them individually or layer them and play multiple tracks simultaneously for added effect.

And after that, as soon as I get confirmation from the dice guys and a mock-up pic of the C20 dice, we'll be putting that Stretch Goal in as well!
